Embroidered beer labels and bottles

Drum roll please….. finally, after continual interruptions from the rest of my life, my initial series of embroidered alcohol-bottle labels are (for now, at least) complete. See here for one of the original works-in-progress. They have found their final home back on their original bottles and I think they look wonderful, even if I do say so myself. Introducing Bulmers cider, Budweiser and Stella Artois beer…

Bottle labels


A tiny amendment to the very edges of the labels needs to be made (I have an almost-pathological hatred of frayed edges) and then I intend to have them professionally photographed standing on a bar or somewhere similar. The process of cutting out so many hours’ work did make me incredibly nervous at first, as did the concept of then slathering my exquisite embroidery in glue….



Now, who’s for a pint?




  1. Exquisite indeed!

  2. […] bottle. Of course, embroidery was an obvious choice – see my earlier embroidered bottles here – and thus I set about painstakingly couching down a label of my own design featuring a […]

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